Sunday, February 3, 2008


The husband asked this question the other day.....

If speed limits are posted across the United States and are maxed out at maybe 75 mph, why don't automobile manufactures make cars so the maximum speed they can reach is 75 mph? The exception to the rule would of course be emergency vehicles. If cars could only go 75, speeding and speed related accidents would go wwaaaaaay down.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Gig/Jig is up??

What do these phrases mean? Are they one and the same?

Info below found here.
When someone says the "gig" is up, they mean that an engagement has played its course.

When someone says the "jig" is up, it indicates that a scoundrel has been found out, and the forces of law and order are on their way.

Where with all?

What does this phrase mean?

Meaning: This is when a person has confidence or resources to complete something. For example, "She has the where-with-all to survive the incident".

Slick as owl shit

Where does the phrase slick as owl shit come from?

And how!!!

Where does the exclamation "and how!" come from?

"and how! Indicating 'intensive emphasis of what someone else has just said,' 'and how!' is a long-popular catchphrase first recorded in 1924. The Americanism possibly derives from the German 'und wie!' or the Italian 'e come!', meaning the same thing, and once very common among Americans of German and Italian extraction, respectively." From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997).

Na, und wie! I decided to consult my handy beside copy of the OED and found this:
"d. and how!: excl[amation] used to indicate that the effect of something is difficult to describe = and no mistake, very much so! orig. U.S. [citation] 1865 B. TAYLOR Let. 16 June in M. H. Taylor Life & Lett. Bayard Taylor (1884) II. xviii. 434, I finished an article for the 'Atlantic' that day. As if I were not 'a tool of the elements!' 'And how?' as the Germans say (Americanicé--'You'd better believe it!')...." SS Info above from here.

Egg on your face?

Where does the phrase "Egg on your face" come from?

EGG ON ONE'S FACE -- "Random House Dictionary of American Slang, Vol. 1, A-G" by J.E. Lighter (Random House, New York, 1994): "have egg on (one's) face -- to look foolish or be embarrassed. Now colloq. 1951-53 'Front Page Detective (syndic. TV series): I can see egg all over my face..."

Another source says the phrase is "newer" than the 50s. From "The Dictionary of Cliches" by James Rogers (Ballatine Books, New York, 1985): "to have egg on your face - To be embarrassed or chagrined at something one has done or the way one did it; to do something ineptly. The expression originated in the United States some 25 years ago, probably from the fact that someone eating an egg sloppily is likely to wind up with some of it on his face and therefore not looking his best. By 1972 the saying had been picked up in England, as Lord Chalfont reflected in 'The Times' of London: 'There is something reassuringly changeless about the capacity of the highest military authorities for getting egg on their face."

Bated Breath?

Where does the phrase Bated Breath come from?

Found the info below here.

The phrase means anxiously or with great anticipation.

I don't remember and can't find my source on this but I think that "Bated" is a shortened version of "abated", which means "to slow down". In the case of "bated breath" this would mean to slow down your breathing or hold your breath.

Curiously, people hold their breath when in anticipation. Perhaps so as not to be distracted by breathing.

"Bated" is no longer commonly used, causing people to believe the expression to be "with baited breath". This common misspelling leads to confusion and strange imagery.

Maybe some other contributors can verify all of this.

If someone has bated breath they are holding their breath with suspense or fear. This use of bated is about the only example left in the English language; abate is much more common. Both words come from the Old French "abatre", to "beat down" or "fell".